
Resource Forest Type Category
The yellow-billed cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) is an uncommon but fairly widespread breeder in BCR 14. It prefers low, dense, shrubby deciduous…
Oak-Pine, Pine-Oak-Maple Bird
The worm-eating warbler (Helmitheros vermivorus) is a locally common to rare breeder in the southern part of BCR 14 only. It prefers deciduous or…
Oak-Pine, Pine-Oak-Maple Bird
The wood thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) is a common but declining species in BCR14. It prefers mature, moist deciduous or mixed closed canopy forest.…
Mixedwood, Northern Hardwoods, Beech, Sugar Maple, Sugar Maple-Beech-Yellow Birch, Yellow Birch, Oak-Pine, Pine-Oak-Maple Bird
The whip-poor-will (Caprimulgus vociferous) is fairly common in local areas. It prefers dry open woodlands or early successional forests often…
Aspen/Birch, Aspen, Paper Birch, Northern Hardwoods, Beech, Sugar Maple, Sugar Maple-Beech-Yellow Birch, Yellow Birch, Oak-Pine, Eastern White Pine, Northern Red Oak, Pine-Oak-Maple Bird
The tri-colored bat (Perimyotis subflavus) is an uncommon species that occurs in BCR 14. It hibernates in caves or mines and has been severely…
Aspen/Birch, Aspen, Paper Birch, Hemlock, Non-Forest, Palustrine, Upland, Northern Hardwoods, Beech, Sugar Maple, Sugar Maple-Beech-Yellow Birch, Yellow Birch, Oak-Pine, Eastern White Pine, Northern Red Oak, Pine-Oak-Maple, Southern Hardwoods, Red Maple, Silver Maple, Speckled Alder, Spruce-Fir, Balsam Fir, Red Spruce, Spruce-Fir Mammal
The timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) is a large, thick-bodied snake between 3 and 5 feet long. Individuals may be mostly black or patterned…
Oak-Pine, Eastern White Pine, Northern Red Oak, Pine-Oak-Maple Reptile / Amphibian
The silver-haired bat (Laisonycteris noctivigans) is an uncommon migratory bat. In summer it roosts in hollow trees, loose bark or in bark furrows.…
Aspen/Birch, Aspen, Paper Birch, Hemlock, Non-Forest, Palustrine, Upland, Northern Hardwoods, Beech, Sugar Maple, Sugar Maple-Beech-Yellow Birch, Yellow Birch, Oak-Pine, Eastern White Pine, Northern Red Oak, Pine-Oak-Maple, Southern Hardwoods, Red Maple, Silver Maple, Speckled Alder, Spruce-Fir, Balsam Fir, Red Spruce, Spruce-Fir Mammal
The sharp-shinned hawk (Accipiter striatus) has been in breeding decline in BCR 14 for a long time although there is some evidence that it has either…
Mixedwood, Northern Hardwoods, Beech, Sugar Maple, Sugar Maple-Beech-Yellow Birch, Yellow Birch, Oak-Pine, Pine-Oak-Maple, Spruce-Fir, Balsam Fir, Red Spruce, Spruce-Fir Bird
The scarlet tanager (Piranga olivacea) is a common and widespread breeder in BCR 14. It prefers mature deciduous or mixed forest. It is listed as a…
Mixedwood, Northern Hardwoods, Beech, Sugar Maple, Sugar Maple-Beech-Yellow Birch, Yellow Birch, Oak-Pine, Pine-Oak-Maple Bird
The rose-breasted grosbeak (Pheucticus ludeovicianus) is a fairly common breeder in BCR 14 but has been declining since the early 1980’s. It is…
Mixedwood, Northern Hardwoods, Beech, Sugar Maple, Sugar Maple-Beech-Yellow Birch, Yellow Birch, Oak-Pine, Northern Red Oak, Pine-Oak-Maple Bird