The rose-breasted grosbeak (Pheucticus ludeovicianus) is a fairly common breeder in BCR 14 but has been declining since the early 1980’s. It is listed as a Species of Greatest Conservation Need in one or more states in BCR 14.
Habitat Needs
Prefers northern hardwood sapling and pole stands or brushy openings adjacent to larger diameter hardwood stands on relatively moist soils. It will also use riparian areas, reverting shrubby fields and overgrown orchards.
Food sources are a combination of insects, soft mast and seeds.
Home range varies between 1 to 10 acres.
Habitat Management Practices
Create and maintain areas of northern hardwood saplings, poles and small sawtimber on moist soils. Make this condition available across space and time so that there is between 50 and 75 percent of every 100 acres in the above size classes and a relatively even distribution between size classes.
When assessing properties for habitat potential, look for soils that are moderately well-drained loamy tills such as the Dixfield, Gilmanton, Howland, Metacomet, Peru, Pittstown, Skerry, Sunapee or Woodbridge soils series. There may be other similar soils in BCR 14. These soils fall into the Important Forest Soils Group IA.
Silvicultural Practices
- For every 100 acres, consider group selection (groups of 1 to 3 acres) or clearcuts up to 10 acres, treating a maximum of 10 acres every 10 years.
- Alternatively, initiate a two-cut shelterwood system covering a larger proportion of the area. Heavy thinnings will work temporarily but will result in the loss of the desired size-class mixture over time.
- Conduct harvests starting after breeding season in late July. Group IA soils can be operated on in either summer or winter using precautions since these soils are moist.