The Northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis), is federally-listed as threatened and occurs in BCR 14. This species hibernates in caves or mines and has been severely impacted by the white-nose syndrome (WNS). This bat is listed as a Species of Greatest Conservation Need in one or more states in BCR 14.
Presume that these bats are present in or near your project. Contact your state wildlife agency before implementing a project. The 4d rule and individual state regulations will apply where your project is to take place.
Habitat Needs
The Northern long-eared bat uses a variety of forested habitat for summer roosting and maternity sites. Specifics on particular preferred forest types and stand conditions are poorly understood at present. In general, summer roosting and maternity areas occur in a number of different forest types. The stand characteristics consist of a relatively closed canopy and larger stand diameters although pole-sized trees have been used. Shaggy bark and standing dead trees with loose bark are important. This species hunts along forest or wetland edges and in riparian areas.
Habitat Management Practices
Maintain the characteristics for summer roosts and maternity areas across all the forest types in BCR 14. Avoid known roost trees or maternity trees during forest management activities. Forest management operations should not occur from June 1 to July 30 in areas that are suspected to contain active roosting or maternity conditions.
Silvicultural Practices
- When this species is involved, single tree selection or group selection using very small groups is preferred.
- Avoid larger clearcuts and group selection using larger groups.
- Leave larger diameter trees with loose bark. One or two of these trees per acre is likely to be adequate.
- Leave standing dead or dying trees. Manage forests to ensure a continual supply of snags and other suitable maternity roost trees.
- Apply additional voluntary measures, where appropriate, to reduce the impacts to include:
- Conduct tree removal activities outside of the northern long-eared bat pup season (June 1 to July 31) and/or the active season (April 1 to October 31). This will minimize impacts to pups at roosts not yet identified.
- Avoid clearing suitable spring staging and fall swarming habitat within a 5-mile radius of known or assumed northern long-eared bat hibernacula during the staging (April 1 to May 15) and swarming seasons (August 15 to November 14).
- Conduct prescribed burns outside of the pup season (June 1 to July 31) and/or the active season (April 1 to October 31). Avoid high-intensity burns (causing tree scorch higher than northern long-eared bat roosting heights) during the summer maternity season to minimize direct impacts.
Additional Information
- Aspen/Birch
- Aspen
- Paper Birch
- Hemlock
- Non-Forest
- Palustrine
- Upland
- Northern Hardwoods
- Beech
- Sugar Maple
- Sugar Maple-Beech-Yellow Birch
- Yellow Birch
- Oak-Pine
- Eastern White Pine
- Northern Red Oak
- Pine-Oak-Maple
- Southern Hardwoods
- Red Maple
- Silver Maple
- Speckled Alder
- Spruce-Fir
- Balsam Fir
- Red Spruce
- Spruce-Fir