
The Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis), a federally-listed endangered species, occurs in BCR 14 but only in the Champlain Valley in Vermont. It hibernates in caves or mines and have been severely impacted by the white-nose syndrome (WNS). This bat is listed as a Species of Greatest Conservation Need in one or more states in BCR 14. It uses a variety of forest types for summer roosting and maternity areas but its preference seems to be riparian forest. It hibernates in limestone caves and mines.

If you are in a state where these bats occur, contact your state wildlife agency before implementing a project. There are federal regulations and individual state regulations that may apply.

Habitat Needs

This bat uses forests for summer roosting and maternity sites. Specifics on particular preferred forest types and stand conditions are poorly understood at present. In general, summer roosting and maternity areas occur in a number of different forest types but riparian forest seems to be preferred. The stand characteristics consists of a relatively closed canopy and larger stand diameters although pole-sized trees have been used. Shaggy bark and standing dead trees with loose bark are an important component.

Habitat Management Practices

Maintain the characteristics for summer roosts and maternity areas across all the forest types in BCR 14. Avoid known roost trees or maternity trees during forest management activities. Forest management operations should not occur from May to the end of July in areas that are suspected to contain active roosting or maternity conditions.

Silvicultural Practices

  • When this species is involved, avoid large clearcuts and patch cuts.
  • Single tree selection or group selection using very small groups is preferred.
  • Leave larger diameter trees with loose bark. One or two of these trees per acre is likely to be adequate.
  • Leave standing dead or dying trees.

For More Information About This Species

Forest Management Practices for Conserving Indiana Bats retrieved on July 30, 2017.

Additional Information