The Mourning warbler (Oporornis Philadelphia) is a locally common to uncommon breeder in BCR 14. It requires stands of dense saplings or shrubs resulting from clearcut logging, utility corridors, and other activities that create young forest habitat. It is listed as a Species of Greatest Conservation Need in one or more states in BCR 14.
Habitat Needs
This is a bird that is closely associated with clearcuts or the later stages of the shelterwood system that produce dense undergrowth in hardwood or mixed-wood stands. It first appears in clearcut areas after the second year, becomes most abundant around the fifth year, and begins to decline around year seven or eight.
Its territory size averages around 1 acre. This may be one of the species that requires an area that allows for several territories, because competition between territorial males may be necessary to stimulate breeding activity.
Habitat Management Practices
Create or maintain a portion of hardwood or mixed-wood stands in the 0 to 10-year age class (seedling and sapling stage). At least 20 percent of the area in hardwood or mixed-wood stands in this size-class across space and time.
When assessing properties for habitat potential, consider areas that contain Bangor, Berkshire, Charlton, Dixfield, Dixmont, Dutchess, Gilmanton, Howland, Lombard, Metacomet, Monadnock, Peru, Pittstown, Scituate, Skerry, Sunapee Sutton, Woodbridge, soils. There are others depending on where you are in BCR 14.
Silvicultural Practices
- Clearcuts of 5 acres or more are preferred. A two-cut shelterwood system in 5-acre units is acceptable.
- Consider a rotation age of 120 years with 10-year entry periods for a size distribution with 10 percent of the area in the desired size class on a continuous basis.
- Use summer through winter operations in order to avoid the nesting season—nesting and brood rearing is completed by early July.